Training organizations to excel through the power of character-based leadership.
How many great bosses have you had?
What made them great versus good?
How did you respond or react to these great bosses?
Caring for Your People Personally
Caring for Your People Professionally
Caring for the Mission and Execution
Empowering the Team
Character is the foundation to being a great leader
Character is a puzzle of virtues, and a virtue is an excellence of character. Virtues are: being patient, trustworthy, caring, temperate, honest, prudent, being courageous and having integrity. Virtues are elements of our overall value system. Character defines who we are, not what we do. What we do illuminates our character.
Who we are drives what we do!
Virtues (combined with character) define who we are! We all expect our leaders to be virtuous (honest, trustworthy, patient, courageous, caring, and have integrity), but we never think about it directly in those terms...if we expected our leaders to be "un-virtuous" (dishonest, un-trustworthy, impatient, uncaring, lacking of integrity, lacking courage, etc), we would probably not follow them. And neither would the people who follow us!
If we want real behavioral change, the fundamentals of who we are need to change first.
Changing the fundamentals of who are can be done two ways: awakening and fostering virtues and frequently practicing virtuous actions so that they become habitual and part of who we are.
Part 1: addresses character and discusses the character traits (virtues) our teams naturally expect from us and goes about awakening those virtues so that we know ourselves better and are consciously working to develop those traits. This accomplished in a three to four hour seminar.
Part 2: looks at key activities that great leaders participate in that have very positive impacts on their teams. These activities are discussed from the team members' perspective as the recipient of the leader's actions. The idea here is for leader's to be aware of how team members react and respond to their leader's actions. In this way, the leaders grow to understand the actions they can take that have the biggest positive impacts on their teams. This accomplished in three-day seminar.
Part 3: provides coaching to leaders who have gone through Part 1 and Part 2. We all need to have someone come along and coach us tin honing our skills. Leaders need a coach to help them use what they learned from Parts 1 and 2 and to continually improve leadership skills.